Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Well I Thought Id Say...

I havent slept in like a year and some change, and I chase My 1 yr old all over the damn place, I work a data entry job from home as soon as he goes to bed and sometimes the only moments I remember I am married is when I am dozing while working and am shocked back into the land of the living by either my husbands farts or loud snoring since mainly what we do is sleep side by side… Wait I should say he sleeps I work… I have absolutely no Idea how this shit will play out…Yes life is great and yes I ADORE my sone and love my husband. But Man I have never been so exhausted and anxious about deadlines and being a good mom! FUCK! I shake all the time now from being anxious, Im fatter and more forgetful, less witty, but hey now I have tits…hmm Just taking that in….
I have no Idea what happened to my dreams but I find myself constantly thinking of art projects and romancing them, and wishing for time I never get. I work all 7 days and have since february, Ive made some new friends but have no energy to go thru all the new friend bonding… What the hell is happening to me?
 Some could say I am becoming a parent, others could say I am just fucking whining and maybe I could shut up! Wish I worked for Pixar, wish I was rich and had a mothers helper, wish I wasn't avoiding working as I write this (since all extracurricular activities are only done when I avoid work since I AWAYS have to work) Wish Id found myself, wish a ton of things but lets be real, I am Sold to the mothering trade. This means You quit sleeping, watch your man sleep (if you have one) And then work as much as you can, That is just for starters! Other things have changed in the hygiene department as well! Like now be sure to Always smell the brown spots on your arms hands or clothes; because chances are that isn't chocolate, or mud or nail polish, you got shit on, You will now never have time to clean your house or shower, There is also no time to cook like you used to, or draw or write like you used to, and everyone but everyone is weird when you complain! You are a mother now, How Lovely how satisfying how beautiful! Why complain? You have a perfect little person and perfect married life! (Funny how this weird june cleaver shit still exists but seriously childless people are fucked up) This is your life get used to it right? Why yes Ill just get on that! Ill quit all the things I love and be SOOOOO Grateful when i get a few seconds to myself and resign from my ambitions. If my husband has the baby for a day I will feel sorry he changes 2 shitty diapers and jump right up with all my fucking pep to change the next one since I feel so fucking bad for him. I will dress nicely and wear heels and stop cursing (yeah right) and join the damn PTA hoping I will match someone and find a friend, and if I do we will pretend we are in the fucking babysitters club and Ill be treasurer or something. I will delete all my Childless friends who almost have forgotten me and Thats ok. Then I will put potpourri in my bathroom, get a 401K and live in a house that smells like a headache and get fat ugly and become a push over….WHEW! Got a bunch of shit to do huh?

No seriously I don't know what has happened I just really hope this changes soon…PS yeah that was all sarcasm if you couldn't tell stop reading this blog all together.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

This was made by over 500 artists

You should check out the site where I first saw this video if you life the intensely mixed media animation! Its !

I am an avid fan of Bob Odenkirk here is a story he wrote for Shouts and Murmurs in The New Yorker ... FUNNY!!!



by Bob OdenkirkJANUARY 31, 2011

ou are probably wondering where I got these amazing abs. They’re so ripply and rock hard, they’re difficult to fathom. If I were a character on a reality show about me and my middle-aged acquaintances, I might be nicknamed the Conundrum, in reference to these abs of mine. See, the abs don’t match the visage. My perturbed, puffy face sets you up for a blubbery gut. But then you see these abs, stacked like bricks, clearly delineated, and you have to ask, “Does he work out for two or three hours a day, or does he just work out all day?” Or perhaps you think I purchased them from a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. My secret is simple—dynamic tension! Constant dynamic tension. Tension that is tense, and dynamic, and never-ending—the best kind of tension there is! I have analyzed each ab and where it draws its tension from so that you, too, can get the abs you’ve always dreamed of!
The ab on the upper right is taut and sinewy thanks to middle school. Specifically, the effort of trying to get my two kids placed in a topnotch middle school. Filling out forms, attending open houses, prepping for interviews, taking the entrance exams—it’s a lot of work, and I am there every step of the way, standing behind them, leaning over their shoulders, looking down (that’s what tightens the ab), swallowing hard (also good for the ab), and clenching and unclenching my fists (good for the fists). Thanks, kids—Dad loves you and Dad loves the ab you’ve given him.
The middle right ab bulges handsomely thanks to talk radio. I simply tune in to conservative talkers when I am driving, and my screaming at the host tightens this ab for an extended, uninterrupted rep. Plus, disagreeing with someone on the radio gives me that powerless, overwhelmed feeling I’ve become addicted to. It’s better than a drug, because you get the abs!
The upper left ab pops out impressively from the effort of lugging five-gallon water jugs into our kitchen. Actually, the lugging does nothing for the ab; it’s the part where you have to tip the full jug and place its spout into the dispensing reservoir, without spilling, that strains and sculpts this beautiful ab. The short moment of dread focusses tension on this ab like a ray gun. Afterward, slipping on the spilled water can be great for a whole-body clench.
The middle ab on the left (not my left, your left, if you are looking at me) is called Terrence. It’s a dignified ab. It tenses each time I read an op-ed article about global warming. The article’s point of view is immaterial; simply being reminded that I can do nothing to stop the horrific future of floods and catastrophe gives this ab a taut yank that lingers, burning calories in my well-creased forehead at the same time. Best to do right before bed, as the accompanying nightmares keep those abs pumping into the early-morning hours!
The bottom right ab, the biggest of all the abs—and therefore the most impressive—is from not having sex. This ab is always quietly tensed. Has been for years now. Can you imagine the Dalai Lama’s lower right ab? Must be huge. I, however, did not take a vow of chastity, so it would be a sad situation, if it didn’t yield such an amazing ab.
The bottom ab on the left is harder to explain, but I believe that this ab is simply self-aware. It quivers with tension at all times, even more so when I am supposed to be relaxing, and I believe it is searching for a sense of purpose for itself and no answer is forthcoming. Nothing works this ab like a vacation. The aimless uncertainty, the absence of all deadlines, tightens and sculpts like nothing else. After ten days in Hawaii, this ab looks amazing.
Finally, you’ve got to appreciate my extra abs. That’s right, I have two abs more than most people. They are in my lower back, and, I’ll admit it, they were put there by my Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. I was told that they are the latest thing. God, I hope so. They hurt like hell. 

Funny numba one!

This is an animation I made two years ago it got some attention which shocked me. I think its funny... Check it out.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hey there,
Not sure who will read this or if you will think its funny or important, but I mostly laugh at myself all the time. In fact recently my whole life has become that way. I am not a comedian, I am not a fancy dandy person of any sort, but fuck lets just be honest here I think Im funny, and to be plain People have laughed at me too! Im not sure if everyone will think I am funny, but I am not thinking of that now am I? In my bad spelling, shitty punctuation and run on sentences I plan to paint you a picture of my ridiculous thoughts, funny happenings, and clumsy stupid moments I don't like to waste...
So without further ado adu (WTF?sp?) This is MOSTLY LAUGHING AT MYSELF.